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Elections Alberta


For all your questions regarding the Senate Election and Referendum Vote, which are being held in conjunction with local civic elections on October 18, 2021, please visit: Elections Alberta | Chief Electoral Office


Calgary Metropolitan Region Board (CMRB)


The Regional Growth Plan is of great concern to Foothills County because it:


·Shuts the door on rural opportunity; 

·Limits economic development for rural constituencies;

·Creates red tape and economic uncertainty;

·Involved insufficient public engagement;

·Is biased against rural municipalities creating an unlevel playing field;

·Will cost taxpayers money.




We ask that you join the MD in sending a strong message to the Minister of Municipal Affairs that we, the residents of Foothills County, do not support this plan and wish to be removed as a member of the CMRB. For more information visit

Go to to have your say!


Foothills County


The MD’s Municipal Development Plan 2010 might be of interest to local residents: MD Foothills | Municipal Development Plan


Dunbow Recreation Board (DRB)


Established in 2009, the Dunbow Recreation Board seeks to explore and develop recreation projects within Division 6 of Foothills County. The DRB’s mission is to work with the residents and established associations to identify recreational needs and support the communities in the development of recreation programs.


Grant application information can be found at: MD Foothills | Dunbow Recreation

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